

剧情介绍:Rain,一个皮肤白净的亲爱家伙,在一个下雨天,他的车出了点成绩。荣幸的是,一个坚固的摩托车手Phayu来救我们了。Rain一摘下头盔就完备被他的模样迷住了,念变得战他一样酷。本来Phayu参与上是出名的学长,也是每个女孩的梦中恋人,包含Rain看上的阿谁女孩,这就是为何Rain开端有点不爱好Phayu了。他们第二次睹面时,他发觉了Phayu的身份,当时他的车又坏了。Phayu讽刺Rain说他念勾引他。那天Rain不克不及不在他的车库过夜。Phayu又开端把玩簸弄他,表示得仿佛他要碰到雨一样。这就是为何Phayu成为Rain的头号仇敌,并念揭穿Phayu的真脸孔,让全部人了解他其实不像他们念象的那么好。但是他背来没有赢过,Phayu感觉这很亲爱。因为雨永久没法打败他,因而他颁布发表将在一个月内让法尤爱上他。~ ~改编自MAME的小说《爱情风暴》(พายุรักโถมใจ)战《爱情天空》(พระพายหมายฟ้า) Rain, a cute guy with fair skin had some problems with his car on a rainy day. Fortunately, Phayu, a hunky biker came to the rescue. Rain got totally captivated by his look as soon as he took the helmet off and wanted to be as cool as him. Turned out that Phayu is actually the famous senior who's also every girl's dream guy, including the girl Rain had his eyes on, which is why Rain started to dislike Phayu a little. He found out about Phayu's identity the second time they met, where his car broke down again. Phayu teased Rain by saying that he’s trying to seduce him. Rain had to spent the night at his garage that day. Phayu began to tease him again and acted as if he was gonna touch Rain. And that's why Phayu became Rain’s no.1 enemy and wanted to reveal Phayu’s true color to show everybody that he is not as good as they thought. But he never won and Phayu found it cute. Since Rain could never win against him, he then announced that he will make Phayu fall in love with him within a month. ~~Adapted from the novels “Love Storm” (พายุรักโถมใจ) and “Love Sky” (พระพายหมายฟ้า) by MAME.



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