

剧情介绍:一天,609号房东花花公子Mum,看到一个小伙在他的床上,从他们第一次睹面就上床那天后,奥秘的工作不竭产生。Mum老是梦睹一个奥秘的变乱,半夜总会被古怪的梦俄然惊醒。Mum试图经过战女人上床来健忘战年老夫君的“感情”。但是,这乃至让他多念念他的梦中恋人。然后,他把变乱的点点滴滴接洽起来,提出了反背平行宇宙的参与。末了,他在理念糊口中碰到了Dew。固然他们的第一次睹面是Dew的末了一天,但也是他们两个彼此帮忙窜改将来的开端! One day, a strange man is sleeping on Mum's bed, a playboy and the owner of room 609. They both have passionate sex the first time they meet and after that, mysterious things keep happing. Mum always dreams of a mysterious event and wake up frightened in the middle of the night. Mum tries to forget the "feeling" with the young man by having sex with women. However, it even makes him think of the man of his dream more. Then, he connects the dots of the events and comes up with the theory of reverse parallel universe. Finally, he meets Dew in real life. Though their first meeting is Dew's last day, but also the beginning that both of them will help each other to change the future!



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